Wednesday, February 18, 2009

37 weeks

We had our ultra sound on Monday, and she measures to be about 6 lbs right now, so it looks like she'll be a pretty small baby, but nothing concerning. Everything looks good (fluid, baby's organs, etc.) she's doing good and is healthy. There isn't really anything new from the last update as far as dilation and everything. I think I have maybe been having some contractions here and there. We go again next Thursday (Feb. 26) for another checkup. We have been working really hard to get all the baby stuff ready. Jesse has been working hard on baby furniture and it's turning out so awesome. I will post pictures as soon as we get it all done with the bedding and when the glider is done.

1 comment:

3LittleFlowers said...

She looks GORGEOUS!!!!

6 pounds at 37 weeks is VERY good size!!! If you go all the way to 40 weeks she may be over 8 pounds!!!