Friday, January 23, 2009

33 weeks

Yesterday (Jan. 22) we had our doctor's appointment and everything looks good. The baby's heart rate was beating a strong 141 bpm. The doctor had them do an ultra sound (totally unexpected!) while I was there because I have been having a little bit of spotting this last month or so and she wanted to make sure that everything was fine and that there is plenty of amniotic fluid. She also checked me because of the spotting and saw that I may have a slight infection so she put me on an antibiotic to clear anything up. Also, I'm not dilated at all yet, so the baby is doing great and not getting impatient. I'm happy about that because I want her to be completely ready to come out when she does, plus I have really enjoyed pregnancy and I'm not quite ready for it to end, I hope I feel differently when the time comes to deliver. Jesse was upset that he missed this doctor visit because he missed out on an ultra sound. He had to stay at work and help with loading grain trucks to haul off their corn, and most of my doctor visits before have been pretty uneventful so he thought it would be better for him to stay. It's the first visit (maybe 2nd) that he has missed and that's the one we have an unexpected ultra sound, he wasn't happy. But I brought back lots of pictures and reassured him that the baby was sleeping the whole time and wouldn't hardly move any so what he sees in the pictures is basically all we saw at the ultra sound, but he was still upset he missed it.

Monday, January 19, 2009

baby shower

We are now 33 weeks and still doing great. The baby is getting stronger day by day, I can tell by her movements and kicks that happen quite often. We go to the doctor again on Thursday Jan. 22 for another checkup. I had my first baby shower on Saturday (Jan. 17) in Mt. Vernon. My mom and aunt put it together with some help from a couple other people too. Everything looked so nice with the decorations on the tables and the food table. There was sooooo much good food, we had a lot of left overs. We got so many good gifts too, and we're so very thankful, we had nothing and now we have a pretty good start to all the things we will need.

Monday, January 5, 2009

31 weeks

We went to the doctor again today, and everything looks great.
The baby had a strong heart rate of 138 bpm.
I feel good most of the time, I do get uncomfortable at
times with cramping or back pain but the doctor said
everything looks good, I'm not dilated at all and the
baby is doing great. I included these pictures of our
new bedroom furniture and new couch and chair for the
living room, we're really excited. Jesse really needed a new
recliner and we made sure it was a rocking recliner so he can
rock the baby. When we get the baby bed in, and the baby
room finished, I will post some of those pictures too.