Reese went for her 4 month check up last Tuesday (7-14-09), she is 12 lbs 8oz and 24 in. long. She's getting so big :( She got her shots this Tuesday (7-21-09) and they went a lot better than we thought they would and a lot better than last time. Jesse and I were both dreading taking her because she is just so pitiful when she cries. Last time she cried and cried and cried, then I started crying and then she filled her diaper and it got everywhere, she cried all the way through her diaper change and kept crying until I fed her. This time it was a delayed reaction after the needle went in and then she cried for about 30 seconds on each one and that was it, within minutes she was smiling at us again. It was a lot better for me too this time because Jesse held her so I didn't have to feel like I was torturing her when they tell us to hold her foot between our leg so she won't move. She calmed down as soon as mommy held her when it was all over with :) So we're good on shots for another 2 months, whew!
mommy and Reese
This was so cute, Reese always likes to touch her paci and pulls it out a lot but this time she fell asleep holding her paci
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