Thursday, June 18, 2009


Reese is growing so fast, Jesse just keeps saying "she's growing too fast, I want her to stay small," but we both know that's not gonna happen, she's gonna just keep on growing. I'm really anxious to see her do new things like crawling, talking, playing in the bath, walking, sitting up, going in the swimming pool, etc. but I also know that I will miss her being so young and small and sweet. We try to catch a lot on video so we can always go back and remember when she was so young. She is starting to reach out and grab things now and she has discovered how much she loves putting things in her mouth, and she's a major drooler. Reese and I are going to be going up to Indianapolis, IN next week to stay with my mom (me maw Walsh) since she's up there for work because Jesse will be in the fields (hopefully) and working late, otherwise we wouldn't be going, leaving daddy by himself. He will miss us I'm sure but not as much as we would miss him while he's working past dark everynight.
Reese looks a lot older in this picture while she looks at her book

Reese has learned to put things in her mouth and likes to chew/slobber on them

Reese holds her head up really good now although she still isn't too fond of tummy time. She likes when we hold her in the air, her legs stick straight out and when she's on her belly on the floor, she does the superman with her legs and arms in the air

Reese has on her new outfit that Aunt Cassidy found for her but I'm afraid it's already too short on her. It fits fine except for the length, and the hats are a good fit, we were in need of some sun hats to shade her face when we go outside.

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