Friday, August 1, 2008

9 weeks

I think most everyone knows by now that we are expecting our first baby!!! We're so excited!! I got a chance to sit down and start a blog finally. I'm about 9 weeks pregnant now and due on March 9. We're more excited than ever. We got to see the first ultra sound on Wednesday (7/30). It was amazing, we saw the little tiny heart beat, and the baby was even moving it's little arms and legs around, it was so precious, I could have just watched it all day long. Everything looks good, the heart beat was good and strong. I see the doctor again 8/26. Other than some nausea here and there, I feel great.


Unknown said...

Congratulations Ashley and Jesse. Thanks for doing a blog and keeping us up to date on your pregnancy. Cute pic!!! I love you both.......Karen Walsh

Sharon said...

We are excited to be getting another cousin!

Jesse and Ashley said...
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Denise said...

Congratulations to the soon to be Mommy and Daddy! Enjoy each day as baby Wilson grows stronger and stronger. Take belly pictures ... for yourself of course. Being with child is one of the most emotional and thrilling times of a womans life. The blog is a great idea, as everyone is spread out everywhere. Love to you and yours, Denise, Jim, Aisha