Saturday, August 30, 2008

13 Weeks

Sorry I haven't put any new posts up lately, I finally got a chance to sit down and make one. We went to the doctor last Tuesday, heard the heartbeat, it was really good and strong. It was amazing to listen to the difference in heart rate from mine to the baby's. The baby's heart rate was beating about 151 bpm. It was very refreshing and relieving to be able to go and hear a strong heart beat, not that we thought anything was going to be wrong, it's just a relief, as a pregnant woman, to make sure the baby is still doing good and healthy. My next visit is Sept. 30, it will probably be basically the same routine, the doctor will listen to the heart beat and ask if I have any questions or concerns. Which, really I haven't had any concerns, I feel pretty good about 90-95% of the time and no serious pains or discomfort. As of now, I am 13 weeks along, so just past my 1st trimester and I can tell (as well as Jesse and my mom) that I am starting to get a little baby bump, not so noticeable that everyone else can tell I'm pregnant yet but I'm definitely pooching out more. I'm not in serious need of maternity clothes just yet but they are a lot more comfortable. The reason I haven't had a chance to sit down and write a new post this week after my doctor visit is because my mom and I have been busy picking out material for my baby quilt that I will use as the comforter on the baby bed (as long as it turns out the way I want it to), and also getting ready to work on the cushions for my glider that Jesse built. There's so much to do and we are just itching to get started on all our projects, we're all so excited.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Here is the new glider Jesse built for me to rock
the new baby in,
he's obviously very excited, but we both are. We still have to put the cushions on it, but we've got a while yet before we'll need it. It took him about two days to put it together.
There hasn't been any changes much in my pregnancy, I still feel about the same, tired all the time and nausea sometimes.

Friday, August 1, 2008

9 weeks

I think most everyone knows by now that we are expecting our first baby!!! We're so excited!! I got a chance to sit down and start a blog finally. I'm about 9 weeks pregnant now and due on March 9. We're more excited than ever. We got to see the first ultra sound on Wednesday (7/30). It was amazing, we saw the little tiny heart beat, and the baby was even moving it's little arms and legs around, it was so precious, I could have just watched it all day long. Everything looks good, the heart beat was good and strong. I see the doctor again 8/26. Other than some nausea here and there, I feel great.